Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Separation of the People

The composition of the building, despite still being in very early stages of design, has already evolved as I have continued to consider functional needs of future Brisbanites. The basis of my ideas began with the idea of having a raised level to provide two horizontal planes of primary circulation and activity. Though I knew I want to provide multilevel circulation in a way that reduces the feeling of vertical travel, I produced a quick diagram to explore very general functional ideas:

After discovering the Giant Interactive Headquarters, I began to think of ways to provide vertical circulation in a way that is extremely gradual, otherwise people will remain on the ground level where stairs and large slopes can be avoided. 

With this, I began to tie the idea of multiple pedestrian levels to other facets of the overall design and scenario. By providing two levels, a direct connection is made to the maglev and maglev stations, producing a large number of pedestrians that are already circulating on the upper level. This provided a further though; from the very beginning, the ground and raised level are already divided by types of users, which creates varying needs for the activity and function to be provided. The upper level, as they are commuting along the outer maglev train line, is primarily consistent of visitors to the CBD, including workers, students and those coming to perform specific activities. On the other hand, the ground level will largely be residents of the CBD, and will hold a slower paced atmosphere. Although these demographics will obviously break this initial boundary, the general atmosphere and desired needs of each level can be contemplated and enacted within the final design. 

This also ties into the facade system and its intended function; the upper level may be enveloped by the adaptable part of the facade while the ground level facade section can remain static to provide alternate functionality, such as privacy. 

In this diagram I have explored the points for and against each of the depicted layouts based on the multiple circulation/activity levels as described above.

1) Destination-oriented services, retail and residential spaces on the upper level(s) (resident based)
    Open public space on the ground level (visitor based)
  • can have building function as residential units 
  • upper level destination-oriented retail creates greater possibility for use of that level
  • ground plane already main circulation space for CBD visitors - little redevelopment necessary

2) General retail, circulation and open space on the upper level(s) (visitor based)
    Public open space / possible residential (resident based)

  • much more aligned with maglev stations on functional and demographic basis 
  • greater opportunity for a CBD-wide network to be created on multiple levels
  • facade more likely to be useful - can extend to ground to provide various functions based on level
  • creates resident-focused space much more similar to suburban housing to decrease fear of having limited space when moving to the inner city
  • dilutes the work and visitor crowds in the residential areas to maintain a slow-paced peaceful area for living

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